Corrine Gustafson (30+ years)

Spending time with my loved ones, eating yummy food and enjoying great conversation.

I would relax on my porch swing, enjoy my favourite beverage, listen to my favourite music, maybe even have a nap.😊

I value being able to trust and have confidence in my friend.

Being able to count on one another, honoring each other.

Also, laughing together alot!!

Thanks, but no thanks! I am happy where I am. It has not always been like this, but I am thankful to have accepted my place the hardships and perks.

Travelling to South Sudan, Africa on a missions trip to build a school in honor of a loved one. The trip included an amazing African safari.

I still love to eat icing sugar and cinnamon on toast with a cup of hot chocolate.

Depends what type of work I am doing. Housework, yardwork, cooking and baking, with music. Office work, without music.

Easy listening jazz, soft rock, mostly worship music!